
  • 羅蘭灰(新(xīn)品)

  • 維納斯白

  • 愛馬仕灰(新(xīn)品)


  • 地址:上海市嘉定區(qū)黃渡工(gōng)業園

    區(qū)星塔路 388 号

    電(diàn)話: 021-69590021

    傳真: 021-69590501

    聯系人: 湯 先生


  • 公(gōng)司簡介


      旺程石材是從事天然大理(lǐ)石進口 , 生産(chǎn)加工(gōng) , 安(ān)裝(zhuāng)設計 一條龍服務(wù)的專業石材企業,下屬上海、北京、太倉、天津工(gōng)廠和廈門、雲浮兩間貿易公(gōng)司,在杭州、甯波、南京、山(shān)東、沈陽、鄭州、内蒙古自治區(qū)、北京石材大世界設立銷售公(gōng)司及服務(wù)中(zhōng)心,就近服務(wù)各地工(gōng)程。工(gōng)廠及銷售部總占地200畝以上,擁有(yǒu)鑽石拉鋸 14 台,自動磨機 7 套,其它異型加工(gōng)、2 次加工(gōng)設備200多(duō)台套 , 生産(chǎn)及管理(lǐ)人員近 1000 人, 年生産(chǎn)各種闆材達 150 萬平方以上,連續多(duō)年被評為(wèi)“石材 20 強 ”和“誠信企業”。


      公(gōng)司本着誠信、優質(zhì)的經營方針服務(wù)于全國(guó)各地,真誠歡迎廣大新(xīn)老顧客光臨惠顧 !

    Shanghai Wangcheng Stone Decoration Co. Ltd. specializes in comprehensive stone business and offers one-stop stone service, includingproject design, stone manufacturing, processing and installation, etc. Sub-factories are set up in Beijing , Tianjin and Jiangsu province. Meanwhile, branches extend to Xiamen , Yunfu, Hangzhou , Jinan , Shenyang , Caoqiao and Hohhot . The whole network serves and supports different projects effectively and efficiently all over the country.

    Wangcheng Stone totally covers 140,000 square meters and nearly 1,000 employees are working for the company. Wangcheng Stoneintroduces modern and sophisticated machinery and processes huge capacity for stone manufacturing and processing. 21 Gang-saws and aseries of stone equipment supply the production of 2,000,000 M 2 slabs and tens of thousands of other stone products for projects.

    Based on the principle of “Collect precious stones abroad, Shine unique Chinese materials”, Wangcheng Stone has established and kept goodcooperation with a great number of large-scaled stone enterprises in China and over twenty countries in Europe, Middle East and other Asianregion and invests in several quarries, which guarantee the high quality of source supply.

    With the effort of Wangcheng people, the company consistently enjoys the honor of “Top-20 China Stone Company” and “Quality EngineeringCorporation” and other awards in stone industry. Wangcheng Stone steadily develops the business all over the world and cordially welcomescustomers with top quality of products and service.
